Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Duck, Duck, Goose

So when I signed up for this mission trip to Nicaragua, I had certain ideas/thoughts about what might happen. Don't get me wrong, I felt pretty open about it. My friend Heather and I wanted to be the vagabundas on the trip, the ones who would help where help was needed, but my intent was to play with the kids as much as possible.

One of the things I didn't anticipate was freezing up as the children came through the door the first morning. In that moment it hit me how much I depend on language, talking, to connect with my 2nd through 4th graders on Sundays. I froze. I turned to my friend Morris in a panic and told him I have no idea what my role on this trip is going to be now that it won't be with the kids. I was crushed. Two minutes later I heard the words “pato, pato, GANSO!”, duck, duck, GOOSE. I was in. I sat down on the floor and from then on I was experiencing Heaven on earth on this trip. I tear up just thinking about how much I fell in love with these kids at that moment.
And it's not that I want to bring them home with me. I met some of their moms. They love their children. It's the ache that I want to see them every Sunday like I see my boys and girls here every Sunday. I don't want to wait a year and miss how much they grow, miss the huge - and I mean huge - hugs and many kisses they eagerly and freely give no matter how soaked you are with sweat. I would gently pull away, point at myself and pinch my nose and wave my hand, saying “oooh, stinky.” The darlings would pull me back in and just squeeze me tighter.

Mariposa (butterfly) kisses were a huge hit, eliciting lots of giggles, as well as finger twirls, two girls at a time twirling like ballerinas. My heart is overwhelmed with how much I miss them already. We were only there six days, but these six days were so intense with emotion that it felt like two weeks.

There are so many more stories to share, how it surpassed my wildest dreams and imaginations, so I hope you will tune in as I process this life-changing experience I had the opportunity to participate in. I only hope my words can express an inkling of the emotion I feel in my overflowing heart.


  1. What a great entry, Sheri! It truly sounds like you had a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. What a great entry, Sheri! It sounds like you had a great time on your trip. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Sheri..you could NOT have said it better. My heart aches to go back already.

  4. Sheri - what a beautiful expression of your love for children... I want to play duck duck goose - thanks for so beautifully putting it into words.

    Peggy C
